© Katniny Studios 2024

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TransSocial v0.0.7_indev

TransSocial logo

TransSocial is currently in the InDev stage (version 0.0.7). A lot of features are missing or are in development and will be added with updates. Learn more.

Good {morn/after/even}, {username}

We started our Windows and Android app beta testing! Learn more.

What's on your mind?

TransSocial Accounts

Follow accounts associated with TransSocial.

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title and stuff

because you did

m/d/y (the objectively correct way)

Create a Note!


Quote user pfp

You must be signed in.

To perform this action, you need to be signed into TransSocial!

Add Alt Text

Help those with visual impairments or low vision understand what your note is.

Add Alt Text

Help those with visual impairments or low vision understand what your note is.

Renote Option

Would you like to just renote or quote renote?

This won't be in a popup forever, this is just for testing. Remember, you are using an In Development product afterall.

Renote Option

Would you like to just renote or quote renote?

This won't be in a popup forever, this is just for testing. Remember, you are using an In Development product afterall.

Please verify your email

We need to ensure your account is using an actual email address. This is for your security and to help us drive away bots.

If you're seeing this, you likely changed your email or did not yet verify your email.

Email sent!

Once you verify your email, please click the button below to verify, then we won't bug you again!

If you're seeing this, you likely changed your email or did not yet verify your email.

Please verify your email

We need to ensure your account is using an actual email address. This is for your security and to help us drive away bots.

If you're seeing this, you likely changed your email or did not yet verify your email.

Email sent!

Once you verify your email, please click the button below to verify, then we won't bug you again!

If you're seeing this, you likely changed your email or did not yet verify your email.

Note Settings

Typo? Need to delete this note? Here's your own personal control panel!

Delete this note?

Are you sure? This action can't be reverted!

Note Deleted

Note was successfully deleted.

Edit Note Content

Removing images is currently not supported at this time.


Note Updated

Note was successfully updated.

Note Settings

Typo? Need to delete this note? Here's your own personal control panel!

Delete this note?

Are you sure? This action can't be reverted!

Note Deleted

Note was successfully deleted.

Edit Note Content

Removing images is currently not supported at this time.


Note Updated

Note was successfully updated.

🎉 Update Day!

Step by Step! Check out a few updates to enhance your TransSocial experience.

Last updated June 28, 2024

This update isn't as big as originally planned, I'm sorry :( other projects got in the way and I also just lack motivation

😎 Twemoji-ified

Emojis look even better than better! TransSocial nows uses Twemoji to power its emojis!

🔓 Unlock TransSocial Subscriptions

We're experimenting with TransSocial subscriptions! While still a work-in-progress, get a sneak peek into upcoming features and help TransSocial keep the lights on (soon).

👀 Customize Your Reading Experience

We're introduced a font size setting to TransSocial, allowing you to adjust the text size to suit your preferences!

🔎 Enhanced Accessibility with Alt Text!

We've added alt text support to TransSocial, improving accessibility! Now, you can add alt text to your images and videos to help make TransSocial even more accessible!

🌎 Going International

We've added a language preference dropdown to TransSocial! Currently, the only available language is "English (United States)". v0.0.8_indev will introduce Lolcat.

🔈 Video Be Gone

You can now toggle video autoplay on or off on TransSocial!

🎏 Streamlined Interaction

Say goodbye to 14 popups! We've added alternative interaction methods to make your browsing experience smoother and more intuitive.

⏬ New Downloads Experience!

We've completely redesigned the downloads page on TransSocial! It will now offer a download based on your detected operating system and downloads are even easier to access!

🤏 Compact Popups

We've made popups 20% smaller on TransSocial! Enjoy the same functionality in a more compact format, making interactions even smoother!

🔃 A Sleeker Page Loader

We've given the page loader on TransSocial a redesign!

💄 Settings Page Makeover

Check out our completely revamped Settings page on TransSocial! We've redesigned it from the ground up to offer a user-friendly and intuitive experience! Explore the new layout and easily customize everything with ease!