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TransSocial v

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Profile Information

How you'll appear across TransSocial and other Katniny products.

Profile Picture & Banner

Your Katniny profile picture

Display Name








TransSocial Accounts

Follow accounts associated with TransSocial.

Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Child Safety, Cookies, Copyright, Community Guidelines

Join the fun on TransSocial!

title and stuff

because you did

m/d/y (the objectively correct way)

title and stuff

because you did

m/d/y (the objectively correct way)

Pick a theme type

Use standard TransSocial themes or try themes created by fellow users!

Want to make your own custom theme? Now you can!

Try an experiment!

Experiments are work-in-progress features and are likely buggy.

Two users talking to each other through Direct Messages
Direct Messages

Note Button Layout

Fatal Account Error

When creating or updating your account, TransSocial encountered an error. If it's an error related to just your email, this popup will close soon as we automatically resolve email related errors. Otherwise, you're missing your display name, username and/or profile picture.
Before you can use TransSocial, you will need to resolve your missing info.

Account Repaired

When creating your account or updating your account, there was a fatal error. However, we were able to automatically resolve this error.
You may continue using TransSocial.

Create a Note!


Quote user pfp

Show pride flag logo during pride month?

You can turn this off if you find it hard to read, prefer your theme's logo, etc.

Cancel subscription?

Are you sure you want to cancel your subscription? If you cancel your subscription, you'll lose all your benefits at the end of your billing period.

You must be signed in.

To perform this action, you need to be signed into TransSocial!

Leaving TransSocial

This link is taking you to the following website:

Go Back

Add Alt Text

Help those with visual impairments or low vision understand what your note is.

Add Alt Text

Help those with visual impairments or low vision understand what your note is.

Renote Option

Would you like to just renote or quote renote?

This won't be in a popup forever, this is just for testing. Remember, you are using an In Development product afterall.

Please verify your email

We need to ensure your account is using an actual email address. This is for your security and to help us drive away bots.

If you're seeing this, you likely changed your email or did not yet verify your email.

Email sent!

Once you verify your email, please click the button below to verify, then we won't bug you again!

If you're seeing this, you likely changed your email or did not yet verify your email.

Note Settings

Typo? Need to delete this note? Here's your own personal control panel!

Delete this note?

Are you sure? This action can't be reverted!

Note Deleted

Note was successfully deleted.

Edit Note Content

Removing images is currently not supported at this time.


Note Updated

Note was successfully updated.

Account Warning

Your behavior on TransSocial has been in violation of our Terms of Service, therefore has received a warning. Repeat offenses can result in account suspension or other account related punishments.


Please abide by TransSocial's Community Guidelines so TransSocial remains a safe place for everyone.

You can continue using TransSocial after agreeing to our Terms of Service.

I agree

Edit Display Name

What's your new online alias?

Edit Username

Change your username! Warning: Your previous username will be up for grabs!


Edit Pronouns

Help create a welcoming space by adding your pronouns!

Sensitive Action

To change your account's email address, please confirm your identity.

New Email

Thanks for verifying your identity! You may now change your email.

Sensitive Action

To see your account information, please confirm your identity.

Your Account Data

We know it looks like a lot, but note that most of these are to provide TransSocial to you. You can download this data as a JSON file. (On smaller screens, when you click "Show", please note that it'll show up on the right, so please scroll to the right to see the shown data)

Fetching data...

Edit Profile Picture

Change your profile picture to reflect your style.

Edit Bio

Your bio is your introduction - make it count!

Mature Content Preferences

Would you like mature content to not show, be blurred, or show up completely uncensored?

Sensitive Content Preferences

Would you like sensitive content to not show, be blurred, or show up completely uncensored?

Political Content Preferences

Would you like political content to not show, be blurred, or show up completely uncensored?

TransSocial Themes

All available TransSocial themes!

Dark theme on the home page
TransSocial's default theme: sleek and clean.
Mint (Dark) theme on the home page
Mint (Dark)
A refreshing blend of minty dark hues.
High Contrast on the home page
High Contrast
Bold and impactful, emphasizing sharp clarity and visibility.
Midnight Purple on the home page
Midnight Purple
A calming shade of purple.
Darker on the home page
A deeper shade, providing a more subdued and shadowed appearance.
Light on the home page
A gentle and luminous theme, designed for clarity and ease.
Mint (Light) on the home page
Mint (Light)
A fresh and airy theme, blending minty hues with a light, refreshing touch. (This theme has poor accessibility)
TransSocial Classic on the home page
TransSocial Classic
The timeless and familiar theme that started it all. (This theme has poor accessibility)

User Themes

Try themes by fellow TransSocial users!

Sending Password Reset Email...

For security reasons, TransSocial is going to email you a password reset email.

Enable Custom Theme Experiment?

Custom themes are a work in progress. Please note that this may break at any time, with or without warning. This feature will not be finalized for a long time, if it releases.

Enable Direct Messages experiment?

Direct Messages are a work in progress. Please note that in this current stage, anyone can message you (privacy settings will be added). This feature is a work-in-progress and will not be finalized for a very long time.


Oops! Looks like you're already in TransSocial's verification system! As much as we wish we could double-verify you because we're sure you're that cool, we can't. Maybe you'll have better luck next time!

Looking to get verified?

You must meet the following requirements to get verified (as TransSocial grows, so will these requirements):

Must have 5 high quality notes

Must have 5 followers

Your account can't be a parody account


We've received your request for verification. We'll look into it and see if you qualify for verification.

Are you sure you want to delete your account?

This will delete all user data, including all notes and settings. Deleting your account cannot be undone.
Your username will be immediately available for anyone to use.

Pleae enter your password to proceed:

Please also enter the phrase "Yes, please delete my account"