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TransSocial Accounts

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TransSocial was unable to find the user you were looking for.

Usage: https://transs.social/u?id=username

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because you did

m/d/y (the objectively correct way)

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To perform this action, you need to be signed into TransSocial!

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Leaving TransSocial

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We need to ensure your account is using an actual email address. This is for your security and to help us drive away bots.

If you're seeing this, you have not verified your email address yet. You will need to be able to verify your email when creating new accounts.

Email sent!

Once you verify your email, please click the button below to verify, then we won't bug you again!

If you're seeing this, you have not verified your email address yet. You will need to be able to verify your email when creating new accounts.

Note Settings

Typo? Need to delete this note? Here's your own personal control panel!

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Note Deleted

Note was successfully deleted.

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Removing images is currently not supported at this time.


Note Updated

Note was successfully updated.

Account Warning

Your behavior on TransSocial has been in violation of our Terms of Service, therefore has received a warning. Repeat offenses can result in account suspension or other account related punishments.


Please abide by TransSocial's Community Guidelines so TransSocial remains a safe place for everyone.

You can continue using TransSocial after agreeing to our Terms of Service.

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This user blocked you.

You can't follow this user. You may still interact with their notes, but they will likely not see it.

Report User

Please ensure that you are reporting someone for good reason.

Report received!

Thank you for letting us know about a user on TransSocial that may harm other experiences! We'll look into it and update you.

Report Information:



Report: Other

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